Magic Mirror
three girls are at a historical inn. They stop to take a tour. The innkeeper
showed them a mirror. He said that if you tell a lie in front of it, you
ugly redhead goes up to the mirror and says “I think I’m pretty” and POOF! She
the fat brunette goes up to the mirror and says “I think I’m slim” and POOF!
She was gone too.
the dumb blonde goes up to the mirror and says “I think” and POOF! She was
Source: Look
Ahead (English Book for grade 2 Senior High School)
The purpose of the text
ð To tell us about magic mirror with a humorous
Generic structure :
ð Orientation :
there are three girls: an ugly redhead, a fat brunette, and a dumb blonde.”
ð Events :
three girls are at a historical inn. They stop to take a tour. The innkeeper
showed them a mirror. He said that if you tell a lie in front of it, you
disappear. The ugly redhead goes up to the mirror and says “I think I’m pretty”
and POOF! She disappears. Then the fat brunette goes up to the mirror and says
“I think I’m slim” and POOF! She was gone too.”
ð Twist :
the dumb blonde goes up to the mirror and says “I think” and POOF! She was
Language Features :
ð The text use in simple past tense :
(said, gone)
ð The
use of connective :
The tittle of the text is Magic Mirror
Main idea of paragraph :
Ø Paragraph
1 : So, there are three girls: an
ugly redhead, a fat brunette, and a dumb blonde.
Ø Paragraph
2 : The three girls are at a
historical inn.
Ø Paragraph
3 : The ugly redhead goes up to the
mirror and says “I think I’m pretty” and POOF! She disappears.
Ø Paragraph
4 : Then the fat brunette goes up
to the mirror and says “I think I’m slim” and POOF! She was gone too.
Ø Paragraph
5 : Then the dumb blonde goes up to
the mirror and says “I think” and POOF! She was gone.
Supporting sentence :
Ø Paragraph
1 : -
Ø Paragraph
2 : They stop to take a tour. The
innkeeper showed them a mirror. He said that if you tell a lie in front of it,
you disappear.
Ø Paragraph
3 : -
Ø Paragraph
4 : -
Ø Paragraph
5 : -

Ø Who : The ugly redhead, the fat
brunette, the dumb blonde and the inn keeper.
Ø When : One day.
Ø Where : In the historical inn.